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NARA 130

Dr Langley and he refuses to go under the Pretenses That he rented for a longer period. Dr L. Says he has violated his Contract and of course doesnt consider that Mrs M. is any longer bound by it, besides, she nor no one else have any Idea that he is able to work the Place having nothing to start on and it requiring 12 or 15 hands [[strikethrough]] to work the Place [[/strikethrough]] to work it, besides a good many horses &c the Principal part of which he hasn't got. Upon the whole he is a man of General bad character and cannot be relied upon This is endorsed by all who know him and hope you will release Mrs Morris and the Dr of him.

Yrs Very Resply
C F Shelton Mayor
T. D. Harris Shff
J. A. Ferguson Clk

[[right margin]] Decr 23, 67 [[/right margin]]

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-02-17 14:56:16