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NARA 144

Jno. Vickers & said Morgan not being satisfied refered the case to the Bureau in Jackson with their own version of it doubtless leaving the impression on the minds of the Bureau that they had been unfairly delt with.  Hence they sent Mr Hargans down to settle the matter by Refferees the Freedman selected said Morgan who had taken an active part in the case from first to last acting as plaintiff in the case becoming responsible for cost and fees.  I selected as I think an unprejudiced Gentleman so far as I knew wishing to do what I conceived to be right in the premises.  They selected a third their decision concured with the verdict of the jury except Morgan whose mind was bound under the circumstances as above stated to be biased.  I objected to him but he would serve.

Before their decision the Bureau agent [[strikethrough]] sent down [[/strikethrough]] informed me that a majority should decide the case and their decision should be final but Lo when they decided the Freedman was in my debt he did not think it would satisfy the Bureau or be final

Some days after I was notafyed to appear before the Bureau in Jackson where I do not consider I had any hearing either my own testimony or the testimony of my witnesses they saying I should pay $173 20/00 to said

Freedman.  This last trial I think a direct violation of your Order.  The Bureau in refering the case acted under order No 19 which specifies where the courts are not open and the party too poor to give Bond then it shall be refered.  Neither of the above stated cases are the facts in the present case.

After all of the above I called on the Bureau in Vicksburg failed to see the chief of Bureau, Maj Sumner used his influence as he said he would (I suppose) against me and they confirmed his decision assigning as a reason that my contract was for stipulated wages and not for a part of the crop, if that is a justifyable reason I am wholly unable to see it.

There has been numerous cases settled by Referees in this Neighbourhood all of which seems to be satisfactory except mine and why mine should be an icolated case I cannot concieve in any other way than Freedman Jno. Vickers & said Morgan has succeeded in prejudicing the mind of Mr Hugans who staid all night with said Morgan the night before coming to refer the case and their influence with Maj 

Sumner I suppose is the cause of the decision last made.  If I have said anything derogatory to any Bureau agnt I beg pardon my only object has been to give a fair statement of this case Believing from your Reputation you will do justice in the premises and see that your Orders are executed in Justice to all parties