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NARA 153

[[right margin]] Dec 25/67 Jno. M Greaves [[/right margin]]

each other - confidence is forever gone between them. The blacks will never do profitable labour again and the whites have no further use for them - they are an encumbrance to the country and will ultimately drag it down to degradation & ruin unless you who have the power will come to the rescue!! You can make them work! Our lands are at your disposal occupy them as you think best and allow us such Rent as the times will permit! I have Teams of mules, oxen & the nessary waggons, ploughs, shears &c for the successfull cultivation of my place and I will sell hire & rent on most reasonable terms! 

Please give the foregoing a consideration and advise with Genl. Howard the great Bureau Agent - as to the help will be offered us in manageing the Freedmen or if it will not be deemed the safer plan for the Bureau under guidance of Genl. Howard to take charge of the Planting business entierly - paying the Planters to supervise them & something for the Rent and furnishing to every 50 hands 10 faithful soldiers to keep order and inforce the plantation laws! 

I thought that I would address to Genl. Howard a letter on the subject of labour & freedmen but will await further developments - presuming that he has the best means of acquireing all information he may desire on the subject! I hope you can help me somewhat in my dilema & get me a Tenant, start a Government Farm on my place - I suggest something that will help me & the poor negros who have been so long expectant of something to come!

Very Respectfully
Jno. M. Greaves

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-02-15 12:16:14 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-02-17 09:22:13 UGH is name Greaves or Greavy???? Looks like Greaves to me, so went with that. ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-02-17 21:11:03