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NARA 163

To Agent of F. Bureau
Jackson Miss

The undersigned having been requested and appointed by J. O. Wharton and the Freedmen in his employ for the year 1867, to adjust the accounts and crops &c between them, begs leave respectfully to report. 

I have examined the accounts &c and find that notwithstanding Mr Wharton has not charged them with one half the mule feed as per Contract. The cotton raised upon the place will fall far short of paying their indebtedness to him, for their accounts of provisions to which accounts are not disputed, but acknowledged by them.  

I think that he justly claims a lien on the other crops of Corn and potatoes, fodder &c be to settle as far as they will, their indebtedness to him, and would respectfully suggest that you so order, knowing as I do, that he would not wrong them out of a dime. If such an order is awarded please forward to me as soon as convenient as the parties wish to settle and enter into new business for the ensuing year. They must have some [[strikethough]] some [[/strikethrough]] bread corn left them of course, and I have no doubt that the Settlement can be made without much, if any, trouble.

Respectfully submitted to
Allen P. Huggins
Agt F.B. &c, Jackson Miss

Jas A Dunn
in Terry

Dec 27th 

Dec. 27, 67
J.A. Dunn

Transcription Notes:
Signature on side that I don't know what to do for Unclear: begs [[leave]] respectfully [[/strikethrough]] [[?]] [[?]] left word below Jas A Dunn J.P. ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-02-16 10:27:13