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NARA 167

Bureau Refugees Freedmen and A L
Office Sub. Assist Commission
Jackson, Miss Dec. 25, 1867

1st. Lieut M Barber A.A.A. Genl
Vicksburg Miss

I have the honor to enclose herewith a Contract entered into January 5th 1867, between F. J. Cooper of Hinds Co and Geo. Jackson and others / Freedman, directing your attention to Paragraphs 1 and 2 of said Contract and would respectfully inform you that each of the Freedmen named therein made 3 Bales of Cotton which in compliancey with "Par. 2" Cooper claims as his portion of the Crop, leaving the Freedmen without any thing for their years labor. Except just the quantities of food as stipulated in the Contract no other debts having been Contracted by them. 

Information is desired as to the validity of this paper the first part of which agrees to pay to the Employees One third of all the Cotton and Corn made by them whereas the second part "marked 2" Guarantied to the Employer 3 Bales of Cotton and 75

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