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                                 ERNEST KAISER

 (Books reviewed in this number of FREEDOMWAYs have been omitted.)

                       THE NEGRO IN THE U.S.
Ames, William C. THE NEGRO STRUGGLE FOR EQUALITY IN THE TWENTIETH CENTURY.  (In the New Dimensions in American History series, Amherst College, Amherst, Mass.) Boston, Mass.:  D. C. Health and Co. 182 pp.  (paper) (This book is a sampling of the voluminous documents on the Negro's struggle from Booker T. Washington's compromising Atlanta, Ga. speech of 1895 to the Civil Rights Act of 1964.)

Aptheker, Herbert.  NAT TURNER'S SLAVE REBELLION:  THE ENVIRONMENT, THE EVENT, THE EFFECTS, together with the full text of the so-called "confessions" of Nat Turner made in prison in 1831.  New York:  Humanities Press.  152 pp  $4.00.  (The director of the American Institute for Marxist Studies, who recently published a study of David Walker's early APPEAL against slavery, here studies the Nat Turner slave revolt.)

Bernard, Jesse. MARRIAGE AND FAMILY AMONG NEGROS. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall. 150 pp. $4.95 (cloth); $1.95 (paper).

Berson, Lenora E. CASE STUDY OF A RIOT: THE PHILADELPHIA STORY. With commentaries by Alex Rosen and Kenneth B. Clark. New York: Institute of Human Relations Press: The American Jewish Committee, 165 E. 56th St., New York City. 71 pp. $.75 (paper) (A study of the causes of the Philadelphia riot of 1964 and other riots.)

Bond, Horace Mann. THE EDUCATION OF THE NEGRO IN THE AMERICAN SOCIAL ORDER. New York: Octagon House. $12.50. (This is a re-issue of a book first published in 1934 with a new preface and an additional chapter by the famous Negro author, college president and educator.)

Bontemps, Arna and Conroy, Jack. ANYPLACE BUT HERE. New York: Hill and Wang. 360 pp. $5.95. (Revised, enlarged edition of They Seek a City [1945], about the Negro's migration in search of freedom in cities North and West from the Underground Railroad to the present.)

Broderick, Francis L. and Meier, August (editors). NEGRO PROTEST THOUGHT IN THE TWENTIETH CENTURY. New York: Bobbs-Merrill. $7.50. (A volume in The American Heritage Series that includes many important documents of Negro history.)


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