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The use of bullwhips, cattle prods and dogs, as well as tear gas, modern riot weapons and the lethal billy clubs against peacefully marching Negroes is a revelation of the quality of the Boss-Man state of mind of these die-hard segregationists.

If the Federal Government does not intervene actively, now, to recover and then preserve freedom of our citizens here in these United States, these citizens will surely come to the reluctant and desperate conviction that they must organize to protect themselves and their rights. It may come to this, if our President does not immediately translate his elegant speeches about "freedom everywhere" and the Great Society from rhetoric into concrete action.

Many outraged Americans will surely go down to the front line in Alabama; indeed, many led by clergy, are already there, or on their way there.

Look homeward, Mr. President. The storm-troopers of Alabama are out in force, and the American people are aroused and aware. The state-of-emergency in Alabama must be coped with by any Government worth its salt.

History shows that when a Government cannot, or will not protect its citizens, then the citizens must protect themselves as best they can. And they will, too.


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---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-02-09 17:06:51 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-02-09 19:13:48