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system of the newly independent states south of the Sahara. The author also relates education in the African nations to its specific social context.)

Halpern, Jack. SOUTH AFRICA'S HOSTAGES: BASUTOLAND, BECHUANALAND AND SWAZILAND. Baltimore, Md.: Penguin Books. 489 pp. $2.25 (paper). (The first two are now independent Lesotho and Botswana respectively.)

Harlow, Vincent and Chilver, E. M. (editors). HISTORY OF EAST AFRICA. VOL. II. New York: Oxford University Press. $11.20. (This the second volume written by 12 contributors carries the history of East Africa from about 1890 to the end of World War II. The third and last volume will deal with the independence of the three East African states.)

Howarth, David. PANAMA: 400 YEARS OF DREAMS AND CRUELTY. New York: McGraw-Hill. 291 pp. $6.50.

International Social Science Journal. RESEARCH ON RACIAL RELATIONS. UNESCO Publications Center, 319 E. 34 St., New York. 265 pp. $5.00. (This is a book of articles reprinted from the well-known UNESCO magazine.)

Jones-Quartey, K.A.B. A LIFE OF AZIKIWE. Baltimore, Md.: Penguin Books. 263 pp. $1.25 (paper). (In the Penguin African Library series.)

Kingsley, Mary. WEST AFRICAN STUDIES. Introduction by John E. Flint. New York: Barnes and Noble. 499 pp. $10.50. (An American reprint of the third edition of this well-known book about West African first published in 1899.)

Legum, Colin (editor). AFRICA: A HANDBOOK OF THE CONTINENT. New York: F. A. Praeger. 558 pp. $18.50. (A revised and enlarged edition of a book first published in 1962.)

Lovelace, Earl. WHILE GODS ARE FALLING. Chicago, Ill.: Henry Regnery. $4.95. (This novel about Trinidad won the $5,000 Trinidad Independence Literary Award. Lovelace is a young Negro writer and native of Trinidad.)

Macdonald, Alexander. TANZANIA: YOUNG NATION IN A HURRY. New York: Hawthorn Books in cooperation with the African Service Institute of New York. 238 pp. $5.95. (A volume in the Revolution of Color series on the new nations of Africa and Asia, the book focuses on the self-help program involving everyone in the nation combining Tanganyika and Zanzibar.)

McEwan, Peter J. M. and Sutcliffe, Robert B. (editors). MODERN AFRICA. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell. 433 pp. $6.50. (A valuable collection of essays  by St. Clair Drake, T. Hodgkin, I. Wallerstein, James Coleman, Jomo Kenyatta, W. E. Abraham and many others. Too few African contributors; the book becomes an outside view of Africa.)

McKay, Vernon (editor). AFRICAN DIPLOMAT: STUDIES IN THE DETERMINANTS OF FOREIGN POLICY. New York: F. A. Praeger. $6.00 (cloth); $1.95 (paper). (Book tries to explain the non-alignment of most African states in their foreign affairs.)