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THE DU BOIS CENTENNIAL THIS ISSUE OF FREEDOMWAYS is being published at the beginning of the International Centennial Year of observance of the birth of W. E. B. Du Bois which has been initiated and sponsored by FREEDOMWAYS and several hundred leading personalities-national and international-from the arts, professions, politics; the labor, civil rights and peace movements. It is hoped that the year will be observed by thousands who will read and study the works and life of Dr. Du Bois. It will also be a year for millions more to reaffirm their commitment to the cause of peace and freedom. Dr. Du Bois, famed as a sociologist, historian, littérateur, Africanist and father of the modern Freedom Movement was born in Great Barrington, Mass., February 23, 1868. He died in Ghana at the age of 95- the night before the historic March on Washington, August 1963. In each of the issues of FREEDOMWAYS for 1968, there will be published some selection from the work of Dr. Du Bois which has long been out of print and which holds great meaning for us today. The article which we print in this issue, "The African Roots of War," is illustrative of the depth of his social analysis and the power of his prophecies. The study of Du Bois during this Centennial Year will reward the reader with brilliant insights and provide a glowing vista of the world we seek. THE EDITORS 5
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Reopened for Editing 2024-02-12 04:52:26
Reopened for Editing 2024-02-12 08:34:13