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BIRTH Born of the sperm of the father And the seed of the mother Born in a world of love And a world of hate Born in a world of truth And a world of lies. Born into the world of prejudiced And into the world of unbiased Eyes open to a glaring light And the touch of strange hands Eyes open to strange faces And an unfamiliar environment Eyes open and close And become moise with tears Ears open to sound which has no meaning And sounds which are harsh Ears open to its own sound And it does not understand Ears open to gun fire And to screams Ears open to cursing And shouting Mouth opens to utter the Cries of revolt And of distress Mouth opens in surprise And asks, WHY? WHY AM I HERE? Mouth opens in wonder And says NO, NOT NOW THE TIME IS WRONG I want to be born in a world only of love I want to be born in a world only of truth I want to be born in a world only of the unbiased I want to be born in a world only of peacefulness And I want to be born in a world only of soft an wondrous word. Linda Thomas, Age 16, Cleveland, Ohio. 23