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and neocolonialism. It opposed planned economies and government control of foreign trade, and equated democracy and freedom with the free enterprise capitalist system, the “American way of life,” which could “survive in America only if it became a world system.” 

Under this doctrine, the Latin American economy has been placed in a strait-jacket as a raw material producer with an economy in imbalance, dependent on the export of one crop or one mineral. 

What is needed in Guyana, Latin America and other “third world” countries is th ending of foreign policial, military and economic domination and the restructuring of the economy in the interest of the people. 

revolutionary changes necessary 

Third world countries would do well to compare the costal economic progress of Cuba with Latin American countries, and of China with India and other Southeast Asian countries. 

As against the progressive decline in Latin America, Cuba is moving ahead. As long ago as December 31, 1963, the New York Times commented: 

“The Castro regime is certainly strong and possibly stronger than ever. . . . There is no apparent weakening of Premier Castro’s appeal inside Cuba or of his stature as a world figure. . . . All children are getting some education; the great bulk are being well fed and teaks care of, however poor their parents. The Negro and mulatto population is getting genuine equality. The Government leaders are untainted by any fiscal scandals. . . To have survived five years was a remarkable feat whose explanation is far more complicated than attributing is solely to Soviet-bloc help.”

Those who propound the view that inefficiency, low level, of technical skill, shortage of capital, “population explosion,” and small size of population and territory are the main factors responsible for backwardness and poverty have evidently not examined China and India. India became politically free in 1947; the Chinese Communist party assumed power in 1949. Both started out with about the same level of technical skill. The “population explosion” in both countries is about the same. In terms of geography and size of population, both are huge. 

yet India which received more foreign aid than China is today on the verge of starvation and bankruptcy; hundreds of thousands of people will die of hunger. the devaluation of the Indian rupee