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mission, Police Service Commission and the Elections Commission. By forcing the resignation of the former Chief Justice, by summarily dismissing the most top-ranking Guyanese Officer of the Defense Force, by prematurely retired the Guyanese Commissioner of Police, the government is inexorable moving towards the establishment of a police state. 

And steps are now being taken to rig the next general elections which are due to be helped in late 1968. The registration machinery is now being taken out of the hands of the Elections Commission and put completely under the control of the Minister of Home Affairs (police and security) who is being aided by a U.S. company, Shoup International. Besides, apart from the padding of the local electoral roll, extensive fraud will be perpetrated by the unprecedented decision to permit at Guyanese abroad, no matter how long absent, to become voters. 

U.S. Congressman and policy makers may glibly talk about freedoms, democracy and progress. But the evidentes is abundant that Washington is heading this country for a dictatorship. When the struggle for national liberation sharpness her, as it inevitably will. True and genuine American democrats must know who is the blamed and which side to be on.