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Review of The West On Trial, by Cheddi Jagan


IT IS VERY DIFFICULT for Americans, even liberal Americans, to really understand the role U.S. foreign policy plays in the world scene. Here is a book which fully documents that roles by name, date, and place over the last decade and a half. The setting is the South American republic of Guyana (formerly the colony of British Guiana) which celebrates its second year of American imperialism. 

The author is Cheddi Jagan, a Guyanese of East Indian descent, leader of the People’s Progressive Party (PPP) of Guyana, three times prime minister of his country, and an avowed Marxist. 

All honest Americans must take a long look at the facts that Jagan presents in this book which details how a small country in this hemisphere has been subverted by the U.S. government. It is a case history of neo-colonialism in our times-a new face on the old imperialist practices which strep a land of its resources and exploit a weaker nation to benefit the monopolists of a larger and more powerful country. 

It is a case history of the destructive force of racism, consciously instigated and abetted for the benefit of the exploiting nation. The book describes the subversion of trade Union organizations to the same colonialist end.

It is a picture of how United Stated domination has replaced that of Great Britain throughout the word-and how Guyana might have been the first socialist nation in the Western world were it not for betrayal engineered and paid for by the U.S. government. 

The story is a classic account of how progressive governments have 


THE WEST OF TRIAL. MY FIGHT FOR GUYANA’S FREEDOM. By Cheddi Javan. International Publishers, New York. 471 pages. $10.00.


Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-02-12 14:57:13