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 Freedomways                               First Quarter 1968

necessary equipment of those of us opposed to racism, war, and the exploitation of smaller nations. Without American interference, this book proves, Guyana would have been well on its way to a self-sustained economy, true independence, and toward lifting the burden of centuries of crushing poverty from the people. As it is, we have been responsible for the ouster of still another progressive government in our "anti-Communist" crusade and may well have set the stage for another Vietnam in the Caribbean area.

                         THE FINAL SONG
                      (for White America)
This song I bear is granite strong and epic
like your symphonies of stone and steel.
It is an echo heard above the Crimson Tides
that follow aging empires to the Womb.
This song I bear is fabled like the Lute
that ushered in the Grecian Dawn;
and, flame-inspired, it ushers in a Brighter Sun.
Soaring, searing, bursting with the anger
that engulfs my white-hot soul-
it seems a siren-song that's only played
for frightened kings with idol's feet of crumbling clay
aroused by Waking Gods who bring the Storm
44                                  Rolland Snellings

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