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 Niggers up at Dart-
mouth "being cool."
 acting "ra-
 Nothin's a game, my bro-
Don't git caught in the enemy's camp, 
 eatin' his food, thinkin' his thoughts. 
        look out, my bro-
        Dyin's for real.                 

Gregory Young

  The most frequent demands which the black student groups are making on the college administrations are not particularly radical and have for the most part been acquiesced to in principle by most schools. This is not to say that the demands are being met, those involving personnel are generally not easily accommodated within the existing operating pattern of the colleges. To meet the demand for more black students it is not unlikely that admission standards and procedures will require modification because the third-rate public school education provided most black youth often precludes their being competitive with whites for the limited number of openings.
  Although the more publicized confrontations between the universities and the black students have taken the form of demonstrations and seizures of buildings, in most cases the black students' demands have been peacefully, if persistently, negotiated. The substance of these demands has generally been roughly the same regardless of the tactics employed to articulate them. The common thread running through all of these challenges is a demand that the instruction be made more relevant to the needs of the black students. In effect, it is an extension of an identical demand being made increasingly with respect to public school education for blacks. The demand for more relevant instruction is usually coupled with a demand for more black faculty, for black guidance counsellors, and for further expansion in the numbers of black students.
  The response of the universities has generally been one of acceptance                                              


Transcription Notes:
page number missing ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-02-12 21:42:27 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-02-13 09:05:54 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-02-13 11:20:03