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1. Compensatory education (education of the disadvantaged, for the culturally deprived) is a "cop-out" of educators to cover-up the poor quality of education and the inadequately staffed and housed schools which have been afforded low-income and minority group children.

2. The deprivation tHeory, proposed in the "new" literature, and the programs for black ghetto children place the blame on the black children and their parents and thereby free the school systems, the communities, and the society from sharing the responsibility.

3.  The history of neglect of the education of low-income pupils and of superior provisions for the advantaged has frozen low-income pupils into social classes, and handicapped them for life.

4.  Cultural deprivation has been a conscious policy and is still a major factor excluding black children and youth from appreciating, gaining, or becoming able to utilize the full potentials of public education-the major factor perpetuating this situation is white racism as applied the the black poor.

5. The compensatory education programs for the black ghetto child are too little, too late, and are based in theories of colonialism, dependency, power, and have been inordinately influenced by the conditions which private and public funding agencies stipulate as bases for obtaining grants.  Very little funding comes directly from the public school systems themselves.

6.  Many of the programs are segregated (Educational Improvement Programs, Headstart, Follow-Up, and the like) and are designed as a sop to black people.  They are artificially induced and die when funds cease.

7. Compensatory education programs for black ghetto children help to salve and ease the conscience of white citizens by making them believe that something significant is being done for the black people.

In 1492 Columbus sailed the ocean blue and "discovered" America-that is, white Europeans first learned that an America existed.  In less than four centuries these white Catholics and WASPs (white Anglo-Saxon Protestant) had stolen the land from the red "savages," driven them on to the reservations, brought millions of black slaves from Africa, and turned the South into the biggest brothel in the history of mankind.  In the 1960's the black ghetto child was "discovered" and a "new" rapidly advancing specialized field of education was invented-compensatory education for the disadvantaged.  A rash of books and articles, mostly written by whites, emerged.  The