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CHARLESTON'S LEGACY O'DELL improvements won, the beginnings made towards full union recognition, the brief lesson in political economy learned, and the refreshing vitality any community gains from being involved in an organizational effort for change, add up to an important victory for the Poor People's Campaign and the hospital workers in Charleston. It is a victory, however, which will have to be guarded and boldly extended to other parts of the South in order to prevent the achievements from being eroded and undermined by the opposition. The growing movement to fulfill the goals of the Poor People's Campaign will move the United States a long ways towards becoming a civilized society. This will be a society worthy of our epoch in human history when mankind, in its scientific and technological prowess, has stepped foot upon the surface of the moon. [image] Speak Out For The Release of PLAINFIELD'S BLACK HOSTAGES BOBBY LEE WILLIAMS, GAIL MADDEN, GEORGE MERRITT JR. Unwilling to deal with the deeply rooted problems which caused the Plainfield ghetto disturbance of the "hot summer of 1967," the governmental authorities are holding as hostages the above-named innocent young residents of Plainfield's black ghetto to assure the future "good behavior" of the black people trapped in it. CONTRIBUTIONS ARE NEEDED FOR AN EXTENSIVE PUBLIC CAMPAIGN AND FOR LEGAL EXPENSES. Attorneys Frank Donner and William Kunstler are serving without fee. Contributions should be made out to: Plainfield Joint Defense. PLAINFIELD JOINT DEFENSE COMMITTEE 218 Watchung Avenue Plainfield, N. J., 07061 201-754-0020 Please send me information about the Plainfield Hostages. Enclosed please find a contribution of $ ....... Name ................ Address.................Zip............ 211
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