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RECENT BOOKS                            KAISER


Gibson, D. Parke. THE $30-BILLION NEGRO. New York: Macmillan $6.95. (A study of the Negro consumer market and how to reach and sell to Negroes. The black author heads D. Parke Gibson Associates, Inc., a public relations firm in New York City.)

Glock, Charles Y. and Siegelman, Ellen (editors). PREJUDICE U.S.A. New York: Frederick A. Praeger, xxii + 194 pages. $5.95 (cloth); $2.95 (paper). (A book about the nature of the prejudice and its impact on education, politics, business, the mass media, the churches and other institutions. When we consider the steady stream of racial hatred and prejudice directed at the people over many, many decades in order to divide and exploit, it's a wonder that people are not more prejudiced than they are. Contributors to the book are Richard Hatcher, Saunders Redding, Charles E. Silberman and others.)

Goodman, Walter. BLACK BONDAGE: THE LIFE OF SLAVES IN THE SOUTH. New York: Farrar, Straus & Giroux. 148 pages. Illus. $3.75 (This book for young people shows what a horror black plantation slavery really was. Goodman, who leaned over backward to be fair to the red-baiting House Un-American Activities Committee in his book The Committee, is much too kind to the white slave masters. A sharper, recent book on the same subject for young people and adults is To Be A Slave edited by Julius Lester and illustrated by Tom Feelings.)

Graham, Hugh Davis and Gurr, Ted Robert (editors). THE HISTORY OF VIOLENCE IN AMERICA. A Report of the National Commission on the Causes and Prevention of Violence. New York: F. A. Praeger and Bantam Books. 822 pages. $11.95 (cloth); $1.25 (paper). (This book shows that violence is produced by our capitalistic economic and cultural system which exploits minority groups economically and culturally and makes them fight each other for status and Establishment favor; that the dominant culture also threatens and is threatened by minority group culture and identity; that American history is a violent amalgam of vigilantism, genocide, slavery and racial conflict, labor struggles, battling minority groups, alienated students and economically frozen out gangster organizations that batten on rackets and extreme force. And all of this violence is found in great abundance in American literature, films, TV, folklore and theatre. The horrible violence for violence's sake detective or murder mystery, which has so many practitioners here on many levels, is a natural product of a country such as the U.S. and people call this writing light reading for relaxation.)

Greenberg, Polly. THE DEVIL HAS SLIPPERY SHOES: A BIASED BIOGRAPHY OF THE CHILD DEVELOPMENT GROUP OF MISSISSIPPI. New York: Macmillan. xiii + 704 pages. $14.95. (The author was involved with the Child Development Group of Mississippi from the start.)

Helper, Rose. RACIAL POLICIES & PRACTICES OF REAL ESTATE BROKERS. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. xiv + 387 pages. $9.50. (The core of this study is a series of interviews conducted in 1955-56 with 121 real estate brokers in three sections of Chicago and a less extensive follow-up survey in 1964-65. The author is associate professor of sociology at the University of Toledo.)

Holloway, Harry. THE POLITICS OF THE SOUTHERN NEGRO: FROM EXCLUSION TO BIG CITY ORGANIZATION. New York: Random House. x + 374 pages. $8.95


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---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-02-15 16:35:59