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number of wig shops, store front laundromats and barbeque stands. That's "Black Capitalism." The social role of black financial institutions at present, small as they are in number, is seen in the fact that last year the 36 black owned banks provided more than 30% of all the loans made to black businesses and individuals. If these banks, whose total assets today amount to one-half billion dollars, were to have deposited in them the 15 billion annually paid taxes by Afro-Americans, this could be a starting point for planning to overcome our underdeveloped status. 
 The purpose of such deposits is neither to increase the bank's ripoff in the form of interest rates, nor to increase the number of marginal businesses operating in the community, but rather to finance housing construction, technologically advanced training programs for the unemployed, and expand the ownership of production enterprises in every major urban center with heavily concentrated black population. 
 The Afro-American community in the United States, which has recently liberated itself from the social ostracism of segregation and the political impotency of disenfranchisement is now on the threshold of a new stage in our social evolution in the capitalist economy of the United States. The political and social demands of this stage, as they become the occasion for the mass mobilization, inevitably place on the agenda of the country as a whole the questions of a radical reformation in the present tax structure and the need for a planned economy to serve the general well being of the entire population. This presently emerging economic phase of our Freedom Movement in linked by history to the entire range for struggle for survival, human dignity, and the achievement of a civilized social order in the United States of America.
 Since selfish individualism has been the hallmark of the American national character, it is clear that without the political and