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They are high school drop-outs, hustlers, pimps, Ph.D.'s, dealers and political activists who joined the Black Panther Party as the result of their black experiences and lack of freedom in America.)

Major, Clarence. SYMPTOMS & MADNESS. New York: Corinth Books. 76 pages. $3.00 (paper). (Poetry by a prolific young black poet.)

Malamud, Bernard. THE TENANTS. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux. 230 pages. $6.95. (This novel by the well-known white American Jewish novelist is supposed to be about Jewish-Black relations and interracial marriage. All of the white critics who know nothing about Black-Jewish relations or interracial marriages have described this book in superlatives just as they did W. Styron's novel The Confessions of Nat Turner. But Malamud, who has not experienced any real Black-Jewish confrontations or interracial marriages on the college campus where he lives, is merely imagining or conjecturing in this novel. Those who have experienced what he is writing about know that this novel is ersatz, false and as phony as a three-dollar bill. But The Tenants is now an alternate selection of the Book-of-the-Month Club and will very probably win the Pulitzer Prize or the National Book Award. The black character in Saul Bellow's Mr. Sammler's Planet is viciously drawn. The black character Skeeter in John Updike's Rabbit Redux is a concocted, overblown, crazy freak conjured up by a white writer living in the suburbs. The black characters in these three novels are all stereotypes that teach whites nothing, for they do not stem from or relate to real black life as blacks live it. But almost all ignorant white critics think these characters are the real things.)

Marks, III, George P. (editor.) THE BLACK PRESS VIEWS AMERICAN IMPERIALISM, 1898-1900. Preface by William Loren Katz. New York: Arno Press. xxviii; 211 pages. $11.00 (A section of this book was published as "Opposition of Negro Newspapers to American Philippine Policy, 1899-1900" [Midwest Journal, Vol. IV, No. 1, Winter 1951-1952, pp. 1-25]. It is good to have a whole book now on this subject emphasized by Herbert Aptheker but ignored by John Hope Franklin, August Meier and others. Another similar recent book is Willard B. Gatewood, Jr.'s Smoked Yankees and the Struggle for Empire: Letters from Negro Soldiers, 1898-1902 [University of Illinois]. The letters were published in black newspapers of the period.)

Metcalf, George R. UP FROM WITHIN: TODAY'S NEW BLACK LEADERS. New York: McGraw-Hill. 304 pages. $7.95. (About eight black leaders: John Conyers, Kenneth Gibson, Clifton Wharton, Shirley Chisholm, Julian Bond, John Mackey, Andrew F. Brimmer and Alvin F. Poussaint. White writer Metcalf's first book was Black Profiles and he is now teaching black studies at Auburn Community College, Auburn, N. Y.)

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Meyer, William. NATIVE AMERICANS: THE NEW INDIAN RESISTANCE. New York: International Publishers. 96 pages. $1.25 (Little New World Paperback Original). (Meyer is Burning Spear, an Eastern Cherokee. Dee Brown's Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee: An Indian History of the American West [Holt] is an important, big book now getting a wide sale. Alvin M. Josephy, Jr.'s Red Power: The American Indians' Fight for Freedom [American Heritage] is a collection of excerpts from speeches, articles, studies and documents. Other recent books about American Indians are Murray L. Wax's Indian Americans: Unity and Diversity, John Upton Terrell's American Indian


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