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King, Jr., Gunnar Myrdal, W. E. B. Du Bois and others. There is also A Bibliography of African and Afro-American Religions [38 pages] published by The Fund for Theological Education, Inc., 1101 State Road, Princeton, N. J. 08540.)

Newman, Katherine D. (editor). THE AMERICAN EQUATION: LITERATURE IN A MULTI-ETHNIC CULTURE. Boston: Allyn and Bacon. xiv; 380 pages. $3.95 (paper). (Contains an ante-bellum sermon, Paul Laurence Dunbar, Frank Yerby, Langston Hughes, Loyle Hairston, Herbert Clark Johnson.)

NO CRYSTAL STAIR: A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BLACK LITERATURE. Office of Adult Services, New York Public Library, 8 E. 40th St., New York 10016. 63 pages. $2.00 (paper). (This bibliography, a selected listing of books from 1965 to the present with certain older books included, is the tenth edition of The Negro in the United States begun in 1925 and published at five-year intervals since then with small supplements issued during the five-year periods over the last two or three decades. The books are under many headings, general and specific, such as general reference works, documentary histories, collective biography, history, politics and government, literature, art, music, dance, theatre, religion, folklore, economics, education, etc. There are also Joyce B. Schneider's A Selected List of Periodicals Relating to Negroes [Yale University Library, $2.50] in the Bibliography Series; Dennis Blackwell's The Black Experience in the United States [the catalog at San Fernando State College, Northridge, Calif.]; The Black Experience: A Bibliography of Books on Black Studies in the Academic Libraries of Brooklyn; and Books for Children: Black and White: A Selected Bibliography [NAACP, 1790 Broadway, New York, N. Y.].)

Noble, Peter. THE NEGRO IN FILMS. New York: Arno Press. 288 pages. $9.00. (An important reprint of a 1948 book published in London but also distributed in the U.S.)

Northrup, Herbert R., Richard L. Rowan et al. NEGRO EMPLOYMENT IN BASIC INDUSTRY: A STUDY OF RACIAL POLICIES IN SIX INDUSTRIES. Industrial Research Unit, Wharton School of Finance and Commerce, University of Pennsylvania, $10.00.

O'Daniel, Therman B. (editor). LANGSTON HUGHES-BLACK GENIUS: A CRITICAL EVALUATION. New York: William Morrow. $5.95.

Parks, Gordon. IN LOVE. New York: Lippincott. $8.95. (A love affair traced in poetry and photographs.)

Patterson, Lindsay (editor). BLACK THEATRE: A 20th CENTURY COLLECTION OF THE WORK OF ITS BEST PLAYWRIGHTS. New York: Dodd, Mead. ix; 493 pages. $12.95. (Here are 12 plays by Louis Peterson, William Branch, Alice Childress, A. Bontemps and Countee Cullen, L. Hughes, Ossie Davis, Lorraine Hansberry, LeRoi Jones, J. Baldwin, Ed Bullins, Charles Gordone and Lonne Elder II. Patterson edited the three volumes on literature, theatre and music and art in the 11-volume International Library of Negro Life and History encyclopedia set and has written theatre and film criticism for the New York Times Sunday drama section. Prof. Clinton F. Oliver's Contemporary Black Drama [Scribner's] has a long, historical, critical introduction that Patterson's book lacks. Charlie K. Russell's play Five on the Black


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