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Beacon Press. xx; 119 pages. $5.95 (cloth); $2.45 (paper). (This is a welcome reprint of Robeson's classic fighting, long out-of-print autobiography which Othello Associates, a black New York publisher, brought out in 1958. The book was reprinted then in many foreign countries such as England, India, Japan, the socialist countries, etc.)

Ross, James Robert (editor). THE WAR WITHIN: VIOLENCE OR NONVIOLENCE IN THE BLACK REVOLUTION. New York: Sheed and Ward. 210 pages. $3.95 (paper). (A collection of essays by Blacks on the strategy and tactics of the freedom struggle.)

Rublowsky John. BLACK MUSIC IN AMERICA. New York: Basic Books. $6.95. (Trace black music from Africa to today. Another similar, larger recent book is Eileen Southern's The Music of Black Americans: A History.)

Rustin, Bayard. DOWN THE LINE: THE COLLECTED WRITINGS OF BAYARD RUSTIN. Introduction by C. Vann Woodward. Chicago: Quadrangle Books. xviii; 355 pages. $10.00. (Here are Rustin's writings over the last three decades. A writer and civil rights activist, he is now executive director of the A. Philip Randolph Institute in New York City.)

Scheiner, Seth M. and Tilden G. Edelstein (editors). THE BLACK AMERICANS: INTERPRETIVE READINGS. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston. viii; 503 pages. $5.95 (paper).

Schultz, Jr., Michael J. THE NATIONAL EDUCATION ASSOCIATION AND THE BLACK TEACHER. Coral Gables, Fla.: University of Miami Press. 220 pages. $7.95. (Covers the period from 1884 to 1969.)

Selby, Earl and Miriam. ODYSSEY: JOURNEY THROUGH BLACK AMERICA. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons. $7.95. (Mr. and Mrs. Selby, a roving editor for Reader's Digest and a freelance writer respectively, traveled 46,000 miles over a two-year period and interviewed 38 Blacks. Some of those interviewed are Fred Hampton, Congressman Ralph H. Metcalfe, Ralph Metcalfe, Jr., Barbara Fouch, Richard Allen and Fannie Lou Hamer.)

Sheehy, Gail. PANTHERMANIA: THE CLASH OF BLACK AGAINST BLACK IN ONE AMERICAN CITY. Photographs by David Parks. New York: Harper and Row. $4.95. (This book is about the Black Panthers in New Haven, Conn. When two sections of this book were serialized in the New York Magazine, a member of the New Haven Huggins family wrote a long letter of complaint against Miss Sheehy's interpretation of the Panther New Haven case.)

Short, Bobby. BLACK AND WHITE BABY. New York; Dodd, Mead. 304 pages; illustrated. $7.95. (The autobiography of an outstanding black night club singer-pianist.)

Sidran, Ben. BLACK TALK: HOW THE MUSIC OF BLACK AMERICA CREATED A RADICAL ALTERNATIVE TO THE VALUES OF WESTERN LITERARY TRADITION. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston. $5.95. (here a white musician-scholar traces black music from slavery to the present and its great role in the social and political struggles in black history and in those today.)

Silverman, Sondra (editor). THE BLACK REVOLT AND DEMOCRATIC POLITICS. Lexington, Mass.: D. C. Heath and Co. xix; 100 pages. (paper). (Has black and white contributors: Whitney young, H. Cruse, B. Rustin, S. 


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