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tion of Blacks. This is solid proof of the Marxist thesis that the superstructure is a rationalization of the economic base. Other similar books are Thomas F. Gossett's Race: The History of an Idea in America [1964] and I. A. Newby's Jim Crow's Defense: Anti-Negro Thought in America, 1900-1930 [1965] plus two other books by Newby.)

Hardeman, Jr., B. A. A BOOK OF PEOMS. The Author, P. O. Box 40158, San Francisco, Calif. 69 pages. $2.00 (paper).

Heilbut, Tony. THE GOSPEL SOUND. New York: Simon and Schuster. 350 pages. $7.95. (A survey of gospel singing. Also the relation of gospel music to jazz and rhythm and blues, etc.)

Hicks, Nancy. THE HONORABLE SHIRLEY CHISHOLM: CONGRESSWOMAN FROM BROOKLYN. New York: Lion Books. $4.95. (Other books about Mrs. Chisholm are her own autobiography Unbought and Unbossed [1970] and Susan Brownmiller's Shirley Chisholm: A Biography [1970] for young people.)

Hough, Jr., John T. A PECK OF SALT: A YEAR IN THE GHETTO. Boston, Mass.: Little, Brown, $2.95 (paper).

Howard, Thomas (editor). BLACK VOYAGE: EYEWITNESS ACCOUNTS OF THE ATLANTIC SLAVE TRADE. Boston: Little, Brown. x; 243 pages. (Most of these accounts are by whites. Some are by Africans. A similar, all-African book is Philip Curtin's Africa Remembered: Narratives by West Africans from the Era of the Slave trade, 1967.)

Jackson, George. BLOOD IN MY EYE. New York: Random House. 197 pages. $5.95. (This is Jackson's second book written in prison before being killed there in August 1971. The first book is Soledad Brother: The Prison Letters of George Jackson, 1970, which got an award from the Black Academy of Arts and Letters in 1971. Esquire magazine and The Black Panther newspaper have carried several pieces by Jackson since his death. Jackson's call for armed revolutionary struggle now in the U. S. is extreme leftism, premature, disorienting and disastrous.) 

Jay, James M. NEGROES IN SCIENCE: NATURAL SCIENCE DOCTORATES, 1876-1969. Balamp Publishing Co., P.O. Box 7390, Detroit, Mich. (Earle H. West's Bibliography of Doctoral Research on the Negro, 1933-1966 [1969, University Microfilms, Ann Arbor Mich., $5.00] is another book on black [and white] doctorates.)

THE JOB CRISIS FOR BLACK YOUTH. With a background paper by Sar A. Levitan and Robert Taggart III. New York: Praeger Publishers. xiii; 135 pages. $3.95 (paper). (This is the report of the Twentieth Century Fund Task Force on Employment Problems of Black Youth with some recommendations for improving these absolutely deplorable conditions.}

Johnson, B. B. DEATH OF A BLUE-EYED SOUL BROTHER. New York: Paperback Library. 158 pages. $.75 (paper). (Johnson is the pseudonym for a black Hollywood writer who also authored Black is Beautiful. Both books are detective fiction. There are many lewd, salacious books by black writers 


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