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RECENT BOOKS                         KAISER

getting a wide sale among Blacks and whites today. There are books by Icebert Slim [Robert Beck], Robert H. deCoy, Donald Goines and others. I don't think that these books have anything to teach Blacks. They are read only for their sexy sensationalism.)

Johnson, Samuel M. OFTEN BACK: THE TALES OF HARLEM. New York. Vantage Press. 281 pages. $4.95. (Johnson, a black author, covers Harlem in this book from before World War I through the black power period of the late 1960's.)

Jones, Edward H. BLACKS IN BUSINESS: PROBLEMS AND PROSPECTS. New York: Grosset and Dunlap. $5.95. (A book about the special problems of  black businessmen and their achievements and hopes. A guide to black business.)

Jordan, Norman. DESTINATION: ASHES. Third World Press, 7850 S. Ellis Ave., Chicago, Ill. 60619. 71 pages. $1.50 (paper). (Poetry)

Jordan, Pat. BLACK COACH. New York: Dodd, Mead. $5.95. (How Jerome Evans, a Black, became coach of a predominantly white high school in Burlington, N.C., and about the 1970 football season there.)

Kennington, Donald. THE LITERATURE OF JAZZ: A CRITICAL GUIDE. Chicago: American Library Association. xiv; 142 pages. (A critical approach to the book [history, autobiography, reference, novels] and periodical literature on jazz.)

King, Woodie and Ron Milner (editors). BLACK DRAMA ANTHOLOGY. New York: Columbia University Press. $12.50 (Here are 23 plays by 22 black playwrights: L. Hughes, LeRoi Jones, Ed Bullins, Lonne Elder III, William W. Mackey, Joe Zuber, Ron Milner, Elaine Jackson, Ben Caldwell, etc. The plays vary greatly in quality, in craftsmanship. A similar book is Lindsay Paterson's anthology Black Theater [1971]. Woodie King is Artistic Director of the Henry Street Settlement in New York City. Ron Milner, a playwright, is director of the Spirit of Shango Theatre in Detroit.)

Lacy, Dan. THE WHITE USE OF BLACKS IN AMERICA. New York: Antheneum Publishers. $7.95. (A historical analysis)

LEADERSHIP IN AMERICAN SOCIETY: A CASE STUDY OF BLACK LEADERSHIP. Prepared by Sociological Resources for the Social Studies (American Sociological Assn.). Episodes in Social Inquiry Series. Boston: Allyn and Bacon. vii; 68 pages. (This book takes up individually historical and modern black leaders and their organizations.)

Lewis, Samella S. and Ruth G. Waddy (editors). BLACK ARTISTS ON ART. Vol. II. Contemporary Crafts Publishers, 5616 San Vincente Blvd., Los Angeles, Calif. (Volume I of Black Artists on Art was published in 1969. We hope that the eastern artists not in Volume I are included in Volume II.)

Locke, Hubert G. THE CARE AND FEEDING OF WHITE LIBERALS. Foreword by Sen. Edmund Muskie. Paulist/Newman Press, 404 Sette Dr., Paramus, N.J. 07652. viii; 88 pages. $1.95 (paper). (The author is a black minister and a professor at Wayne State University, Detroit, Mich. He is the author of The Detroit Riot of 1967 [1969].)


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