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to government officials at all levels, and government records of all kinds, except those affecting the private lives of working people.

to give black youth every opportunity for a full and happy life

End the draft.  Provide Black children with quality education needed to live fully and work successfully in the last quarter of the twentieth century.

Employ black school teachers, principals, and administrators in every school system at least in proportion to the Black student population.

Retain teachers and administrators in Public Schools to eliminate racial bias and attitudes that are so seriously undermining the dignity of our children.

End hunger and malnutrition through guaranteed adequate meals for every child and his family-radical expansion of food stamps and free breakfast and lunch programs.

Enough Federal funds for education to end the paralysis of our schools.  Honor commitment to Federal, interracial education.

End public funds for private and parochial children.

Provide free access to birth control information, contraception and medical care.  We declare the right of every woman to decide how many children she desires.

Obtain complete school integration through busing, redistricting, public housing, and school site selection, and any other necessary measures.  Include Black history, Black literature, Black economics, and other materials on the life of the Black people in corresponding courses, with primary Black authority over curricula in these subjects.  Revamp school curricula to emphasize the primary role of the working class in creating values, building the country, providing the living standard of the entire American people, and leading the struggle for democracy and progress.  Rehire with full back pay all Black school personnel fired or downgraded under pretext of integration orders.  Outlaw and close down all private schools set up to avoid integration or for any reason operating on a racist basis.

Stop the drug racket by imprisoning the people responsible for organized crime including government officials.  Provide free unlimited treatment for all drug victims.

Provide $15 billion per year, of the $120 billion to be spent for the people's needs, for the special needs of Black youth as indicated herein.

Admit to colleges all high school graduates desiring it, and provide



special stipends, above normal scholarships to compensate Black students for financial handicaps.  Require all colleges to raise the proportion of Black and other minority students to their proportion in the youth population within five years.  Require corresponding increases in Black faculty and administrative personnel.  Provide full federal funding of Black colleges, so that they can modernize and expand their facilities to the most up-to-date level.

Provide vocational training, with pay, to Black and other youth, on whatever scale is desired by the youth, with emphasis on those occupations which are growing and have the most promising future in this epoch of the scientific-technical revolution.

Establish extensive free recreational and sports facilities in the Black communities.  Set up government owned and operated country resorts and camps, with free summer holidays for all Black, oppressed people, and poor white youth and children.  Provide compensation for first-job seekers which guarantees income until employed.

to end the triple oppression of black women

Provide special economic, social and health assistance to Black women, to help compensate for super-discrimination in income, employment, education, and health services.

Provide welfare mothers facilities and financial means to acquire education, including college education, and training in skills and professions.

Grant priority in employment to women who are heads of families.
Establish free child care centers, sufficient in numbers, size and personnel to give first-rate care for all children of working mothers.

Declare and carry out a Bill of Rights for women workers, including: Six months maternity leave at full pay; equal pay for equal work; protection against forced overtime; equality in hiring and promotions; organization of domestic workers and office and sales workers.

to curb the instruments of racist repression

Outlaw and eliminate all racist organizations which strive to fascisize police departments.  Provide long-term imprisonment of any police office brutalizing Black citizens.  Increase the number of Black policemen and higher-ranking police personnel at all levels to at least their proportion in the population, effective within one year's time.  Establish complete community control over the operation of the police.

Place Black men and women on the judges benches in proportion


Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-02-16 15:47:37