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IRISH, ITALIAN, JEWISH, BLACK, PUERTO RICAN. New York: New York University Press. $10.50 (cloth); $3.95 (paper).

Mitchell, Charlene. THE FIGHT TO FREE ANGELA DAVIS: ITS IMPORTANCE FOR THE WORKING CLASS. New York: New Outlook Publishers. 12 pages. $.25 (paper).

Mitchell, George. I'M SOMEBODY IMPORTANT; YOUNG BLACK VOICES FROM RURAL GEORGIA. Urbana: University of Illinois Press. 288 pages. Illus. $7.95. (Interviews with six young Blacks revealing the life-style of young rural Blacks. Mitchell, a white photographer and journalist, published his first book Blow My Blues Away in 1971.)

Nagler, Barney. BROWN BOMBER-THE PILGRIMAGE OF JOE LOUIS. New York: World Publishing Co. $7.95. (About the ups and downs of the great black heavyweight boxing champion.)

Newton, Huey P. TO DIE FOR THE PEOPLE: THE WRITINGS OF HUEY P. NEWTON. New York: Random House. xxii, 232 pages. $7.95 (cloth); $1.95 (paper). (Newton is the founder of the Black Panther Party.)

Nichols, Charls H. (editor). BLACK MEN IN CHAINS: NARRATIVES BY ESCAPED SLAVES. New York: Lawrence Hill & Co. 319 pages. $3.95. (Frederick Douglass, Nat Turner, Henry "Box" Brown, Ellen Craft, Gustavus Vassa, Josiah Henson, etc., are here. Nichols, a Black professor, published Many Thousand Gone. The Ex-Slaves' Account of Their Bondage and Freedom in 1963.)

Noel, Donald L. (editor). THE ORIGINS OF AMERICAN SLAVERY AND RACISM. Columbus, Ohio: Charles E. Merrill Publishing Co. $3.95.

Ofari, Earl. LET YOUR MOTTO BE RESISTANCE. Boston: Beacon Press. 215 pages. $7.95. (This is the life and thought of Henry Highland Garnet, a Black Abolitionist. Ofari is the Black author of The Myth of Black Capitalism [1970] and many magazine articles.)

Owens, Jesse. I HAVE CHANGED. New York: William Morrow. $5.95. (Owens, the great Olympic track star, wrote an earlier book Blackthink: My Life as Black Man and White Man [William Morrow, 1970] [with Paul Neimark] which criticized some people in the black liberation movement. I Have Changed tells how Owens has become more militant.)

Petry, Ann. MISS MURIEL AND OTHER STORIES. Boston: Houghton Mifflin. 305 pages. (These are Black writer Ann Petry's short stories published during the forties, fifties, and sixties. Some are well-known. She is the author of three novels including The Street, for adults, and four books for children or young people.)

Pettigrew, Thomas F. RACIALLY SEPARATE OR TOGETHER? New York: McGraw-Hill, xxiii, 371 pages. (The sociology and psychology of race relations by a white professor of sociology at Harvard University and the author of several books about Blacks.)

Poindexter, Hildrus A. MY WORLD OF REALITY-THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF HILDRUS A. POINDEXTER. Detroit, Mich. Balamp Publishing. 450 pages. $9.95. (Dr. Poindexter is the noted Black U.S. public health doctor and scientist now at Howard University, Washington, D.C.)

Purcell, Theodore V. and Gerald F. Cavanagh. BLACKS IN THE INDUSTRIAL WORLD: ISSUES FOR THE MANAGER. New York: The Free Press. 520 pages. $10.95. (About employment integration attitudes and feelings


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---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-02-20 11:29:40