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FIRST QUARTER 1973 FREEDOMWAYS IN THIS ISSUE Among Our Contributors ............... 4 Editorials ........................... 5 Paul Robeson: True Revolutionary ..... 10 George W. Crockett The Student Movement at Southern University ...14 Tim Thomas Carter G. Woodson's "The Mis-Education of the Negro" Revisited: Black Colleges, Black Studies ...... 28 E. C. Foster The Voice and the Mirror - Poems from Palestine ................... 39 Kamal Boullata Is Black Writing American Literature? .... 50 Loyle Hairston French Imperialism and the Developing Countries ..... 55 Michel Charlot Readers' Forum The Changing Schools: A Look at Community Control .... 63 Charles B. McMillan Southern U. and Antioch: The Same Problem ..... 68 Staff, Antioch Graduate School of Education
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Reopened for Editing 2024-02-21 07:56:35
Reopened for Editing 2024-02-21 10:04:28