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Students United, barring them from campus and thus denying them their First Amendment right of freedom of assembly. Students on campus harassed, threatened, and photographed by campus guards and state intelligence agents. This harassment is on orders of Netter-ville, the State Board of Education and Governor Edwards. 

The situation at the New Orleans campus is just as critical. Security guards have again been tripled. The administration building is under heavy guard and all administrative offices are occupied by security forces. Student leaders are threatened and followed whenever they are on campus. Students are facing disciplinary hearings that began on January 14. The general move by the administration is to eliminate those individuals singled out as "leaders." The possibility of criminal arrest is constantly held over the heads of those same students.

Notwithstanding this police state atmosphere at both campuses, student leaders are pressing forward with their organizing efforts. They are now working on a notion-wide campaign to develop a mass movement of students, parents, alumni, faculty members and concerned administrators to mount pressure on state legislatures and the Congress to take a more realistic attitude towards funding Black colleges and universities. Thus, through their organizing efforts, the Brothers and Sisters at Southern re manifesting their belief that only through mass organization of the Black community, with hegemony of any resulting structure being maintained by the Black working class, can Black colleges be made to serve the interests of the Black community.


Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-02-21 15:21:44