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THE NEGRO IN THE U.S. (also some books about Africa)

AIDS TO MEDIA SELECTION FOR STUDENTS AND TEACHERS compiled by Yvonne Carter, Milbrey L. Jones et al. U.S. Government Printing Office, Supt. of Documents, Washington, D.C. 20402. vi, 82 pages. $.75 (paper). (Section III, "Sources of Multi-ethnic Materials" [pp. 47-61], has teachers' resources, multi-media selection aids, periodicals which review current books and special issues of periodicals devoted to literature of minority groups.)
Albertson, Chris. BESSIE. New York: Stein & Day. 253 pages. Illus. $7.95. (A factual biography of the great black blues singer Bessie Smith. Other books about Bessie Smith are Carman Moore's Somebody's Angel Child: The Story of Bessie Smith [Crowell, 1970], Paul Oliver's Bessie Smith [Barnes, 1961] and chapters in books on black music by Nat Shapiro, Studs Terkel and Martin T. Williams.)
Anderson, Jervis. A. PHILIP RANDOLPH: A BIOGRAPHICAL PORTRAIT. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich. 389 pages. 16 pages of illustrations. $12.50. (Anderson, a young black writer from Jamaica, West Indies, is a staff writer on The New Yorker magazine. A three-part profile of Randolph was carried by The New Yorker [Dec. 2, 9, 16, 1972] from this book. Anderson has also been published in Commentary, Dissent, Book World and The New York Times. Two other earlier biographies of Randolph for children are Bar-bara Kaye's Forward Mach to Freedom; The Biography of A. Philip Randolph and Daniel S. Davis's Mr. Black Labor: The Story of A. Philip Randolph, Father of the Civil Rights Movement. W. Waknin's exhaustively researched doctoral dissertation on Randolph should also be published.)
Atkins, Burton M. and Henry R. Glick (editors). PRISONS, PROTEST AND POLITICS. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.; Prentice-Hall. $5.95 (cloth); $2.45 (paper).
Baskin, Wade and Richard N. Runes. DICTIONARY OF BLACK CULTURE. New York: Philosophical Library. 493 pages. $15.00. (Lists individuals, organizations, topics [The Black Codes, law cases], colleges, etc. Good brief accounts; a very useful reference book.)
Bittker, Boris I. THE CASE FOR BLACK REPARATIONS. New York: Random House. 191 pages. $7.95. (An analysis of the legal problems in compensation U.S. Blacks for the terrible holocaust they suffered in chattel slavery and later in strict segregation and peonage. Another similar book is Arnold Schuchter's Reparations: The Black Manifesto and Its Challenge to White America.)
BLACK ATISTS IN AMERICA. Black Artist in America, Horace Mann Lincoln Institute, Box 40, Teachers College, Columbia University, New York City 10027. $2.00 (handling charge). (This portfolio has the essay "150 Years of Afro-American Art" by James A. Porter. Also eight display panels [12" x 18"] have sample works and brief sketches of the lives and ideas of contemporary black artists: Selma Burke, Elizabeth Catlett, Ernest Crichlow, Richard Hunt, Lois Mailou Jones, Richard Mayhew, Charles White and Hale Woodruff.)