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secondary schools, children with special needs, societal problems in schools, school governance, performance accountability in New York City, etc, will be published in the summer of 1973.)

Foster, William Z. THE NEGRO PEOPLE IN AMERICAN HISTORY. New York: International Publishers. 608 pages. $8.50 (cloth); $3.45 (paper). (A reprint of a classic Marxist history first published in 1954 and out of print for some time.)

Fuller Hoyt W. THE TURNING OF THE WHEEL/OR ARE BLACK MEN SERIOUS. Institute of Positive Education, 7848 S. Ellis Ave., Chicago 60619. 7 pages. $.25 (paper). (Other pamphlets in this series are Johari M. Amini's An African Frame of Reference, Kwanza-The First Fruits: An African Holiday [Congress of African People], Charlier Cobb's African Notebook: Views on Returning "Home," Acklyn R. Lynch's Blueprint for Change: Black Education and Addison Gayle, Jr's The Politics of Revolution.)

Gaver, Jessyca Russell. SICKLE CELL DISEASE: ITS TRAGEDY AND ITS TREATMENT. New York: Lancer Books. 191 pages. $1.25 (paper). (Another similar paperback book is Shirley Motter Linde's Sickle Cell: A Complete Guide to Prevention and Treatment [Pavilion Publishing Co., New York City; also Crisis Book Shop, 1790 Broadway, New York City, $2.00.)

Gendzier, Irene L. FRANTZ FANON: A CRITICAL STUDY. New York: Pantheon Books. xvi, 300 pages. $10.00. (Fanon's passionate books The Wretched of the Earth, Black Skin, White Masks, etc., have had much influence on the Third World Black liberation movements in the U.S. and in Africa. His emphasis on the lumpen proletariat and on violence is however misplaced. Other books about him are Peter Geismar's Fanon: A Biography, David Caute's Frantz Fanon and Renate Zahar's Colonialism and Alienation in the Work of Frantz Fanon and many magazine articles. One-third of Jack Woddis's New Theories of Revolution: A Commentary on Fanon, Debray, Marcuse is devoted to a needed Marxist critique of Fanon's theories of revolution involving the peasants or lumpen-proletariat, violence, etc.)

Goldman Peter. THE DEATH AND LIFE OF MALCOLM X. New York: Harper and Row. xx, 438 pages. Illus. $8.95. (A book by a white journalist about Malcolm X's last years, his death and sainthood. There are already George Breitman's THE LAST YEAR OF MALCOLM X [1967] plus a small library of books and pamphlets by and about Malcolm X including Malcolm X: The Man and His Times [1969] edited by John Henrik Clarke and From the Dead Level: Malcolm X and Me [Random House, 1972] by Hakim A. Jamal.)

Grosvenor, Verta Mae. THURSDAYS AND EVERY OTHER SUNDAY OFF: A DOMESTIC RAP. New York: Doubleday. 153 pages. $5.95. (A book about the trials of domestic workers by the black woman author of Vibration Cooking [1970].)

Hamilton, Charles V. THE BLACK PREACHER IN AMERICA. New York: William Morrow. 246 pages. $7.95. (A sociological study, historical and current, of the black minister and the black church. Hamilton is a professor of urban politics at Columbia University, author of many magazine and newspaper articles and co-author with Stokely Carmichael of Black Power: The Politics of Liberation in America [1967].)

Harper, Michael S. SONG: I WANT A WITNESS. Pittsburgh, Pa.: University of Pittsburgh Press. 63 pages. $5.95 (cloth); $2.95 (paper). (A fifth book of


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