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FREEDOMWAYS                              FIRST QUARTER 1973

and with the national liberation movement of the oppressed peoples. There are also later writings from the book Capital and correspondence on colonialism and national liberation movements. This book On Colonialism plus Marx Engels's The Civil War [McGraw-Hill] edited by Saul K. Padover, William Z. Foster's The Negro People in American History [recently reprinted], Eric William's Capitalism and Slavery and Gus Hall's Imperialism Today [1972] refute those black nationalists in Black Scholar and Pan-Africa Journal who have not read these books but who ignorantly and falsely assert that racism is not tied up with capital class exploitation, that Karl Marx did not deal amply with the issue of black slavery and that Marxism cannot deal with racism. These nationalist should do their homework and stop making wild, undocumented generalizations that they want to believe and thus rule out all whites from the black struggle.)
Matturri, Joanna and Hy Dales (editors). INNER CITY REFLECTIONS IN BLACK AND WHITE: A COLLECTION OF VISUALS BY YOUNG PHOTOGRAPHERS. New York: Washington Square Press: Pocket Books. 192 pages. $.95 (paper). (These photographs of Blacks and Puerto Ricans were taken by teen-age Black and Puerto Rican photographers in Newark, N.J., New York City in the Achievement in Media community project. Many of these photographs were in photographic exhibits at the Newark Museum in New Jersey and the Museum of Natural History in New York City in 1971 and 1972.)
Meister, Richard J. THE BLACK GHETTO: PROMISED LAND OR COLONY? Lexington, Mass.: D.C. Health. $2.50.
Mercer, Walter A. TEACHING IN THE DESEGREGATED SCHOOL. New York: Vantage Press. $4.95. (A book by a black Florida A. and M. University professor of education.)
Milner, Christina and Richard. BLACK PLAYERS: THE SECRET WORLD OF BLACK PIMPS. Boston, Mass.: Little, Brown. xvii, 329 pages. $7.95. (This book deals with pimps, prostitutes and Johns as do black writer Iceberg Slim's autobiography Pimp: Story of My Life [1967], Harold Greenwald's The Elegant Prostitute [1970] and Gentlemen of Leisure. Black people must face up to and fight these black pimps who hate themselves and have such contempt for black and white women including their own black mothers. We must not praise a pathetic book like Iceberg Slim's The Naked Soul of Iceberg Slim as Preston Wilcox did recently in Black World [May 1972] or include a section of Pimp in an anthology of black writing as William H. Robinson did in  Nommo [1972]. Black pimps destroy with prostitution and drugs young, naive, black and white women and themselves as well.)
Mitchell, Edwina Wright. CRUSADING BLACK JOURNALIST: JOSEPH E. MITCHELL. The Author, 6236 Washington Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. $6.50 (cloth); $4.50 (paper). (A biography of the late editor of a black newspaper in St. Louis, Mo., written by his wife.)
Moquin, Wayne and Charles Van Doren (editors). GREAT DOCUMENTS IN AMERICAN INDIAN HISTORY. Afterword by Robert Powless. New York: Praeger Publishers. $13.50. (Another Indian documentary history is Chronicles of American Indian Protest [Fawcett Publications, 1971].)