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RECENT BOOKS                                                   KAISER

Opotowsky, Stan.  MEN BEHIND BARS.  New York:  Pinnacle Books.  $.95 
  (paper).  (About life in prisons.  Black are about 11% of the total U.S. 
  population but make up nearly 33 1/3% of the prison population according 
  to 1971 figures.  This means almost 133,000 Blacks in the total U.S. 
  prison population of 400,000.)
  HISTORY OF THE ANTISLAVERY MOVEMENT.  Westport, Conn.:  Greenwood 
  Publishing Co.  xviii, 334 pages.  $12.50.  (Jane and William Pease are 
  also authors of The Antislavery Argument [1965] and Black Utopia:  
  Negro Communal Experiments in America [1964].)
Plumpp, Sterling.  BLACK RITUALS.  Chicago:  Third World Press.  108 
  pages.  $1.95 (paper).  (Other recent Third World publications are 
  Johari Amini's Let's Go Some Where, Imamu Amiri Baraka's It's Nation 
  Time and Kawaida Studies:  The New Nationalism.)
Powell, Jr., Adam Clayton.  MARCHING BLACKS.  New York:  Dial Press.  
  viii, 216 pages.  $7.95.  (A revised and enlarged edition of Adam 
  Powell's first book published in 1945.  Other books by Powell are his 
  autobiography Adam By Adam and Keep the Faith, Baby.  There are four 
  books about Adam Powell.)
PRE-CIVIL WAR BLACK HISTORY SERIES #1 (Six pamphlets of children's 
  stories written and illustrated by Blacks.)  New Day Press, Room 119, 
  Newton D. Baker Building, Case Western Reserve Univ., Cleveland, Ohio 
  44106.  $3.00 (per set); $.50 (per pamphlet).  (Black History Series #2 
  will be the Civil War and Reconstruction.)
Redmond, Eugene B.  SONGS FROM AN AFRO/PHONE.  Black River Writers, P.O. 
  Box 1591, East St. Louis, Ill. 62205.  63 pages.  $2.50 (paper).  
  (Another book of poetry by the black author of Sentry of the Four 
  Golden Pillars and River of Bones and Flesh and Blood.)
Reilly, J. Terrance.  BLACK!  Myra House, Box 148, Poughkeepsie, N.Y.  64 
  pages.  $2.45 (paper).  (Loften Mitchell wrote about black dramatist 
  Reilly in Black Drama.  Here are three poetic, hard-hitting one-act 
  plays and a poem by him.)
Roc, John.  WINTER BLOOD.  New York:  Pocket Books.  441 pages.  $1.25 
  (paper).  (This is a novel about two landlords in Harlem, one black and 
  one white.)
Rojers, J. A. WORLD'S GREAT MEN OF COLOR. Edited with an introduction,
 commentary and new bibliographical notes by John Henrik Clarke. New York:
Macmillan. Vol 1 xv, 431 pages; Vol 2, xxiv 564 pages. Illus. $8.95 each
 (cloth); $3.95 each (paper).  (This is a welcome and needed reprint of a 
 work first published in 1946. Vol 1 covers Asia, Africa and historical figures
 before Christ: Imhotep Akhenaton, Aesop, Hannibal, Cleopatra,  Zenobia, Askia
 the Great, etc. Vol 2 covers Europe, South and Central America, the West
 Indies and the U.S.: Pushkin, Dumas, St. Benedict the Moor,  A. A. Schomburg, 
 etc. Clarke has brought these volumes up to date with his added introductions, 
 commentaries and new additional bibliographical notes.)
 SCHOLASTIC Teacher (Junior/Senior High Teacher's Edition), 902 Sylvan 
 Ave., Englewood Cliffs, N.J. 07632. 50 pages. $1.00.
 (The February 1973 issue of this magazine has the 
article "testing Texts for Racism and Sexism" [pages
 16-17] and a section of another article "Selection
 Committees [of in- 
 structional materials] Must Consider. . . How Well the
 Materials Reflect the

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