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Multi-Ethnic Nature of Our Society" [pages 13-14].) 
Schwarz-Bart, Andre. A WOMAN NAMED SOLITUDE. Translated from the French by Ralph Mannheim. New York: Atheneum Publishers. 179 pages. $5.95. (This novel, an attempt by a white writer to recreate the West Africans' slave trade experience, is called brilliant by all of the white reviewers. But to any Black, it is the West Africans' counterpart of William Styron's novel The Confessions of Nat Turner, as phony as a three dollar bill.) 
Sellers, Cleveland with Robert Terrell. THE RIVER OF NO RETURN: THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF A BLACK MILITANT AND THE LIFE AND DEATH OF SNCC. New York: William Morrow. 279 pages. $7.95. (Sellers sums up [on cover of book]: "We will not stop because we can't. I take solace in the face of the hardships before me because I know that we are right and those who oppress us and our people are wrong. Most important, I believe that Dr. King was eminently correct when he said, "The moral arm of the universe is long, but it bends towards justice.'")
Simmons, Charles W. and Harry W. Morris (editors). AFRO-AMERICAN HISTORY. Columbus, Ohio: Charles E. Merrill Publishing Co. 331 pages. (A book of interpretive readings in black history.) 
Smith, Arthur L. (editor). LANGUAGE, COMMUNICATION AND RHETORIC IN BLACK AMERICA. New York: Harper and Row. xi, 388 pages. $4.95 (paper). (A collection of articles on black language and rhetorical behavior. Smith, head of Afro-American studies at the University of Southern California, Los Angeles, is the author of The Voice of Black Rhetoric [with Stephen Robb; Allyn and Bacon], Rhetoric of Black Revolution and two other books. Another similar book is The Rhetoric of Black Americans [Charles E. Merrill] by James L. Gallen and Richard Rieke.) 
Smith, George H. MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR. New York: Lancer Books. $1.25 (paper). 
Steinfeld,Melvin. OUR RACIST PRESIDENTS. San Ramon, Calif.: Consensus Publishers. $6.95. (Encore, the black magazine, carried a six-page article [Oct. 1972] based on this book and Black World [Oct. 1972] carried a review of this book.) 
Sterling, Dorothy. IT STARTED IN MONTGOMERY: A PICTURE HISTORY OF THE CIVIL RIGHTS MOVEMENT. New York: Scholastic Book Services. 80 pages. $3.95 (paper). (This book, in the Firebird Books series for ages 9-13, is a simplified version of Dorothy Sterling's Tear Down the Walls! A History of the American Civil Rights Movement [1968]. Other books in this series are Myron Emanuel's Faces of Freedom, Lorenz Graham's John Brown's Raid, Philip Spencer's Three Against Slavery, David Harbison's Reaching for Freedom, Henrietta Buckmaster's The Fighting Congressmen and others.) 
THE STRUGGLE FOR BLACK EDUCATION: 1968-1971. Edited by James Garrett and the Center for Black Education staff. Drum and Spear Press, Washington, D.C. $1.50. (This is a collection of 18 articles from the Center's newspaper The Pan African.) 
Stuart, Irving A. and Lawrence E. AM (editors). INTERRACIAL MARRIAGE: EXPECTATIONS AND REALITIES. New York: Grossman Publishers. $12.50. Synnestvedt, Sig. THE WHITE RESPONSE TO BLACK EMANCIPATION. New York: Macmillan. 248 pages. $3.95 (paper). Turner, Darwin T., Jean Bright and Richard Wright (editors). VOICES FROM