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THE BLACK EXPERIENCE: AFRICAN AND AFRO-AMERICAN LITERATURE. Waltham, Mass.: Ginn and Co. (Other recent books authored or edited by Turner are Theory and Practice in the Teaching of Literature by Afro-Americans [with Barbara Dodds Stanford], Black Drama in American: An Anthology, In a Minor Chord: Three Afro-American Writers and Their Search for Identity and Afro-American Writers.)

Van Der Slik, Jack R. (editor). BLACK CONFLICT WITH WHITE AMERICA: A READER IN SOCIAL AND POLITICAL ANALYSIS. Columbus, Ohio: Charles E. Merrill Publishing Co. vii, 344 pages. (Has articles by St. Clair Drake, Chuck Stone and Gerald A. McWorter but mostly by white writers.)

Van Peebles, Melvin. AIN'T SUPPOSED TO DIE A NATURAL DEATH. New York: Bantam Books. 156 pages. $1.45 (paper). (This is black writer Van Peebles's play in novel form. The book makes it clear why Van Peebles's plays Aint Supposed to Die and Don't Play Us Cheap and his film Sweet Sweetback were such money makers. This black writer strings out the brutal, debased doings of pimps, prostitutes, junkies, drag queens and other ghetto Blacks using the foulest language imaginable until all Blacks look like sub-human animals in a giant cage who should be kept there. Whites enjoy the Blacks in the zoo while all Black people are shamelessly degraded. These plays and this film are not real Black life in the theater at all. They are sensational, stereotyped pandering to whites by a black writer whom Blacks should ostracize and whose works should be boycotted.)

Vatter, H. and T. Palm (editors). THE ECONOMICS OF BLACK AMERICA. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich. $3.50 (paper).

Venable, Abraham S. BUILDING BLACK BUSINESS: AN ANALYSIS AND A PLAN. Foreword by Jackie Robinson. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell. $5.95. (Venable, a black author, serialized some of this book in Black Business Digest.)

Wakin, Edward. BLACK FIGHTING MEN IN U.S. HISTORY. New York: Lothrop, Lee & Shepard. 192 pages. $5.50. (A book for young people about Blacks in U.S. wars. Wakin wrote At the Edge of Harlem: Portrait of a Middle-Class Negro Family [1965]. Otto Lindenmeyer's Black and Brave: The Black Soldier in America [1970] is a similar book. Wakin accepts the Korean War and Vietnam War uncritically as just wars against the Communist enemy.)

Walden, Daniel (editor). W. E. B. DU BOIS: THE CRISIS WRITINGS. Greenwich, Conn.: Fawcett Publications. 447 pages. $1.25 (paper). (This book is similar to the recently published The Emerging Thought of W. E. B. Du Bois [Simon and Schuster] edited by Henry Lee Moon. Both books consist of writing from The Crisis magazine edited from 1910 to 1934 by Du Bois. Black Professor Walden, like Moon, red-baits and deplored Du Bois's move to the left. Du Bois admitted that his early anti-Communist statements were made in ignorance since he then knew very little about the subject. Walden is co-editor with Charles T. Davis of On Being Black: Writings by Afro-Americans from Frederick Douglass to the Present [Fawcett, 1970]. Another recent book on Du Bois is William Du Bois: Scholar, Humanitarian, Freedom Fighter [Novosti Press Agency Publishing House, Moscow] which goes into the ideology struggle now being waged over the name and legacy of W. E. B. Du Bois.) 

Walker, Alice. REVOLUTIONARY PETUNIAS & OTHER POEMS. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich. 70 Pages. $5.95. (This second book of poetry is


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