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the holdings of the John F. Kennedy-Institut library) compiled and edited by Werner Sollors. With introductory essays by Ernest Kaiser and the compiler.  John F. Kennedy-Institut for North American Studies, Free University, Berlin, Germany.  258 pages. (This is a comprehensive bibliographic guide covering reference books, periodicals, history, regions, sociology, literature and other culture, education, economics, religion, law, politics, civil rights, communications, military and recordings. All of the recent reprints and up-to-date books and pamphlets are here as well as the old books.  A good job.)

THE BLACK PHOTOGRAPHERS ANNUAL 1973. Black Photographers Annual, Inc., 55 Hicks St., Brooklyn, N.Y. 11201. 144 pages (size 8 1/2 x 10"). $10.95 (cloth); $5.95 (paper). (Foreword by Toni Morrison and introduction by Clayton Riley. Includes Portfolios by Ray Francis, Ming Smith, Vance Allen, Elaine Tomlin, Moneta Sleet, Jr., Anthony Barboza, Roy DeCarava, Albert Fennar, Shawn Walker [on Cuba], James Van DerZee, etc. Very beautiful.)

Bogle, Donald. TOMS, COONS, MULATTOES, MAMMIES AND BUCKS: AN INTERPRETIVE HISTORY OF BLACKS IN AMERICAN FILMS. New York: Viking Press. $12.50. (Bogle is a young Black writer on Black films. An essay from this book was published some months ago in the Saturday Review magazine.)

Bonilla, Frank and Robert Girling. STRUCTURES OF DEPENDENCY. Nairobi Bookstore, 1621 Bay Road, E. Palo Alto, Calif. 262 pages. $2.00 (paper). (These essays are the result of a seminar held at the Graduate School of Stanford University with Ford Foundation support. They deal with the many aspects of imperialism in Latin America, racial minorities as colonial peoples in the U.S., the Black U.S. economy, the Chicanos in the U.S. and the Puerto Rican question in Puerto Rico and on the U.S. mainland. The references for these scholarly articles are a mixture of Communist, Trotskyite, Fanon, Monthly Review, Black Scholar, etc. The writers lean toward the writing of Black nationalism and Marxism; that is, instead of showing race and racism to be a part of the superstructure with an economic base, they make race and racism something much too autonomous. This is un-Marxian, unsociological and mystical. Claude M. Lightfoot's Racism and Human Survival [1972] shows how the German Democratic Republic eradicated virulent Nazi racism in 25 years with a socialist economy and anti-racist education.)

Bromley, David G. and Charles F. Longino, Jr. (editors). WHITE RACISM AND BLACK AMERICANS. Foreword by the Hon. Shirley Chisholm. Cambridge, Mass.: Schenkman Publishing Co. xxiii, 662 pages. $11.95 (cloth); $7.50 (paper). (Articles showing the deep roots of racism in the cultural, social and institutional fabric of American society.)

Brooks, Gwendolyn (editor). THE BLACK POSITION. No. 2. Detroit, Mich.: Broadside Press. 47 pages. $1.50 (paper). (An annual. Has an interview with Addison Gayle, Jr., Francis Ward's "Super Fly: The Black Film Ripoff" and Don L. Lee on Communications. Another Broadside Press book is Habte Wolde's Enough to Die For.)

Carter, Vincent O. THE BERN BOOK: A RECORD OF A VOYAGE OF THE MIND. New York: John Day Co. xi, 297 pages. $8.00. (A very interesting, well-written book about Black American Writer Carter's experiences in Bern, Switzerland. A former graduate student, Carter has great command of the 


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