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RECENT BOOKS                                 KAISER

Foreword by Ralph Ellison. New York: Random House, 163 pages. $5.95. (A first novel by a black journalist who is editor in chief of Muhammad Speaks, one of the largest black U.S. newspapers.)

Fry, John R. THE LOCKED-OUT AMERICANS: A MEMOIR. New York: Harper & Row. x, 174 pages. $5.95. (About the build-up and influence of the Black Stone Rangers in Chicago by a white Presbyterian minister. There are other books on the Black Stone Rangers.)

Galton, Lawerence. THE SILENT DISEASE: HYPERTENSION. New York: Crown Publishers. $5.95. (Hypertension or high blood pressure causing heart attacks, strokes and kidney disease strikes Blacks harder than it does the rest of the population because Blacks have less money and their diets are poor and they consume more alcoholic drinks due to the racist pressures upon them. This book shows how to control high blood pressure and thus prevent these diseases. Ebony magazine [June 1973] has an article on hypertension.)

Gibson, Donald B. (editor). MODERN BLACK POETS: A COLLECTION OF CRITICAL ESSAYS. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall. $5.95 (cloth); $1.95 (paper). (Gibson is also the editor of Five Black Writers: Essays on Wright, Ellison, Baldwin, Hughes and LeRoi Jones [1970 or 71] and the author of "Ralph Ellison and James Baldwin" in The Politics of Twentieth-Century Novelists [1971] edited by George A. Panichas. A white professor at the University of Connecticut, Gibson is now completing a book on the fiction of Richard Wright.)

Goodell, Charles. POLITICAL PRISONERS IN AMERICA. New York: Random House. $8.95. (An analysis of the political process and criminal justice.)

Graham, Lorenz. HONGRY CATCH THE FOOLISH BOY. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell. $3.95. (Black author Graham has written many books for children and young adults. Other Crowell books for children are Mervyn Kaudman's Jesse Owens, A. Adoff's Malcolm X, M. Turk's Gordon Parks, K. Rudeen's Wilt Chamberlain and June Jordan's Fannie Lou Hamer.)

Gregory, Dick. DICK GREGORY'S NATURAL DIET FOR FOLKS WHO EAT: COOKIN' WITH MOTHER NATURE. Edited by James R. McGraw with Alvenia M. Fulton. New York: Harper & Row. xi. 171 pages. $6.95. (A witty introduction to natural foods which all of us should eat for good health. Other books by Gregory are No More Lies, The Shadow that Scares Me, Write Me In! and Nigger.)
Hardeman, Jr., Beaureguard (B. Rap). METAMORPHOSIS OF SUPERNIGGER: THE POEMS BY B. RAP. B. A. Hardeman, Jr., P.O. Box 40158, San Francisco 94140. 42 pages. $1.00 (paper). (Hardeman also authorized the anthology Revolution Is. He is a graduate of Morehouse.)

Harris, Joseph E. AFRICANS AND THEIR HISTORY. New York: New American Library. 240 pages. $1.50 (paper). (Dr. Harris, a Black American Africanist at Williams College and author of The African Presence in Asia: Consequences of the East African Slave Trade, 1972, has not written a complete African history text here. But though selective with a necessary emphasis on the roles of black societies in Africa's past, the result is a very useful summary with mild critical evaluations of books on African history by white historians in his bibliographical notes. Recent books such as The Horizon History of Africa are not mentioned in this book. The World Book


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