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the death of American and European bourgeois sociology, that has much validity. But if Ladner means the death of the sociology of Karl Marx and Marxist Bernhard J. Stern or even C. Wright Mill's The Power Elite and The Marxists and Alvin W. Gouldner's The Coming Crisis of Western Sociology, then she and her colleagues are away off the beam. There is no special new sociology for black sociologists to develop which applies to black problems only.)

La Guma, Alex. IN THE FOG OF THE SEASON'S END. New York: The Third Press. 181 pages. $6.95. (A novel about the underground movement against South Africa's apartheid by the Black South African writer La Guma. His other works are A Walk in the Night, And A Threefold Cord, The Stone Country and Apartheid: A Collection of Writings on South African Racism which won the Afro-Asian Prize for Literature in 1969.)

Lamson, Peggy. THE GLORIOUS FAILURE: BLACK CONGESSMAN ROBERT BROWN ELLIOTT AND THE RECONSTRUCTION IN SOUTH CAROLINA. New York: W.W. Norton. 330 pages. $7.95. (This is a well-researched and overdue biography of the fighting Black Reconstruction Congressman Elliott from South Carolnia whose biography Elizabeth Lawson was working on at her death about 1960 or 1961 after she finished her small book on the Black Senator, Hiram Revels. Mrs. Lamson, a well-known white writer, is also author of Few Are Chosen: American Women in Political Life and other works.)

Levy, Eugene. JAMES WELDON JOHNSON: BLACK LEADER, BLACK VOICE. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 464 pages. $14.50. (Another volume in the series of Negro American Biographies and Autobiographies that includes T. Thomas Fortune, Ida B. Wells, Henry O. Tanner, W.W. Brown and John R. Lynch. John Hope Franklin is the series editor. Johnson was a multifaceted, Renaissance man.)

Locke, Louis G., W. M. Gibson, G. Arms and G. Petty (editors). TLE SIX: OPTIONS FOR THE 1970s. New York: Holt, Rinehard and Winston. xvi, 526 pages. $5.95 (paper). (TLE means Toward Liberal Education, first published in 1948. This is the sixth edition - for college students. Selections from Invisible Man, James Baldwin, Stokely Carmichael, Richard G. Hatcher [from Freedomways, Vol. 9 #2)], Frantz Fanon, Martin Luther King, Ossie Davis's "The English Language is My Enemy" and LeRoi Jones.)

Long, Richard A. and Eugenia Collier (editors). AFRO-AMERICAN  WRITING: AN ANTHOLOGY OF PROSE AND POETRY. New York: New York University Press. 2 vols. $12.95. (Dr. Long is a professor and director of the Center for African and Afro-American Studies at Atlanta University, Atlanta, Ga.)

Lopez, Alfredo. THE PUERTO RICAN PAPERS: NOTES ON THE REEMERGENCE OF A NATION. Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill. $8.95. (Another recent book on Puerto Rico is Morton J. Golding's A Short History of Puerto Rico [New American Library, $1.25, paper].)


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