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RECENT BOOKS                                     KAISER

Miss McCord is assistant professor of sociology at Hunter College. See also "Black Coed - White Campus" [two views], Essence, Aug. 1973. Daedalus [Summer 1971] is a special issue on the Future of Black Colleges with articles by Vivian Henderson, St. Clair Drake, Andrew F. Brimmer, Thomas F. Pettigrew and others.)
Wilmore, Jr., Gayrand S. BLACK RELIGION AND BLACK RADICALISM. New York: Doubleday. $7.95. (The author, Martin Luther King, Jr. Professor of Social Ethics at Boston University, takes up what he calls the paradox of the Black church.)
Winston, Henry. STRATEGY FOR A BLACK AGENDA. New York: International Publishers. 250 pages. $7.50 (cloth; $2.50 (paper). (Focussing on the U.S. Black Liberation movement and the African National Liberation movement, Winston gives a Leninist analysis of neo-Pan-Africanism and Maoism. Both are harmful to the world anti-imperialist movement, say Winston- Maoism, representing state power, more so than neo-Pan-Africanism. Neo-Pan-Africanism represents, says Winston, a bourgeois nationalist tendency used by the colonialists to keep control of Africa. Maoism, he says, influences neo-Pan-Africanism which calls for separatism [self-reliance], a race analysis of world events [instead of class analysis] and a dislike for the Soviet Union. Maoism and the reactionary ideology of George Padmore, C. L. R. James and Marcus Garvey are the influences on the neo-Pan-Africanism of Roy Innis, Imamu Baraka, James Forman, James Boggs, Stokely Carmichael and others, says Winston. Du Bois's Pan-Africanism was always anti-racist and anti-imperialist and demanded unity with the Soviet Union and all oppressed and exploited classes and peoples of every race on earth, he says. Winston's chapter on China's forced assimilation and brutal oppression of her national minorities lays bare China's betrayal of Lenin's national policy and is a warning to the Third World developing countries of Asia, Africa, and Latin America. The socialist Soviet Union solves the national questions, he says, by breaking down national partitions and by ensuring the development and flowering of the material and spiritual sies of all nations and nationalities. Racism and anti-communism, the main ideological weapons of the ruling class, can only be defeated by the Leninist policy that is anti-racist and anti-imperialist, says Winston.)
Woods, Carter G. THE AFRICAN BACKGROUND OUTLINED: OR HANDBOOK FOR THE STUDY OF THE NEGRO. New York: New American Library: Signet edition. 478 pages. $4.95 (paper). (This 1936 book was also reprinted by Negro Universities Press in 1969.)
Wright, Charles. ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO GET ALARMED ABOUT. New York: Farrar, Straus & Giroux. 215 pages. $6.95. (A third book by the Black writer Wright. A lot of this book was published as separate essays in the Village Voice newspaper. Wright's other two books are the novels The Messenger and The Wig: A Mirror Image.)
Yee, Min. THE MELANCHOLY HISTORY OF SOLEDAD PRISON: IN WHICH A UTOPIAN SCHEME TURNS BEDLAM.  New York: Harper's Magazine Press. $7.95. (This book tells the whole story of the deliberate killing of Black inmates W.L. Nolan at Soledad and George Jackson at San Quentin by white guards. Forty people in the California prison system were killed in the 19 months between Nolen's death and Jackson's.)