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  "Your message is beautiful, and it is far more inspiring than the programs of our two major parties," we are often told, "but since your chances of winning are one in a million, isn't your campaign sort of futile?"  Our unhesitating response to this question is that we can't expect to attract the majority of the votes this time around, but we are also painfully aware that no matter which party claims an electoral victory in November, black people and working people in general will be the losers.  Our only glimmer of hope lies in our ability to forcefully declare our determination to relentlessly challenge the monopolies' power - to fight collectively for our rights as people of color, as working men and women and, indeed, as human beings who desire peace for ourselves and our children.
  As the present administration has embraced the Brzezinski strategy of global anti-communist aggression and dangerous flirtations with the prospect of nuclear war, racism has received blatant encouragement on the domestic scene.  Ideological assaults on the principle of affirmative action, and mass layoffs of black workers from the major industries, have been complemented by the rise of the Ku Klux Klan and similar vigilante groups, abetted both subtly and openly by the propaganda emanating from official circles.  A central theme of the Communist Party's campaign - and indeed of the Party's work in general - is the struggle against racism.  "Black folk have always fought racism," our chairman Henry Winston points out, and
  they will never stop fighting racism.  But is it not true that it is
  the task of the Communist undertake the fight in the
  course of organizing masses of workers in struggle against the
  white monopolists, to prove that these white workers imbibe an
  ideology which turns over billions of dollars in profits to the
  corporations?  Is it not the task of the Communist Party to organize white workers in the fight against the racist source of these
  Our campaign calls for a more vigorous defense of affirmative programs for racially and nationally oppressed workers and students.  Contrary to the prevailing propaganda charging "reverse discrimination," affirmative action means benefits not only for people of color but for their white sisters and brothers as well.  This dynamic was understood by the white workers at the Kaiser Aluminum plant in Louisiana, who opposed Brian Weber's racist lawsuit against the affirmative action program of their plant.
  An equally important element of the Communist Party's anti-racist strategy is the demand to outlaw groups like the Ku Klux Klan
*Winston, Henry.  "Putting Marxist Theory into Anti-racist Practice."  Political Affairs; May 1980.


Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-02-26 14:06:07