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Mr Spencer 
Bureau of R. F. and A. L-
Northampton Co Va.
Feb 1st 1866.

O.S. Pride
Asst Supt &c

Reports in brief as follows
The Freedmen are generally disposed to contract - most of them preferring to do so for a shorter period than a year, so as to be able to take advantage of a rise of wages at harvest. Field hands get $10 per month. First class laborers $15. Very few complaints and those caused by a neglect to pay freedmen on the part of the employers. The whites are fast becoming inclined to treat the freedmen fairly and to recognize them in their new state. Only one case of theft reported during the month. The feelings of the whites with reference to the Bureau is good. 4000 less rations issued during Jan- than in any previous month. Number in the asylum (over)

reduced during the month from 101 to 11. Buildings on the "Council Tract" being improved and put in good condition. Two schools in operation during most the month temporarily discontinued for want of quarters-
Rents due the Bureau mostly in grain - which have not been collected owing to wait on quarters. But few farms in possession of the bureau. Concludes by saying that those who were most active in the rebellion are most inclined to appreciate and respect the Bureau.

Transcription Notes:
Filled in missing words and corrected transcription errors. When transcribing these wrappers, it helps to first read the actual report, which is usually found on the immediately following page(s). These wrappers are simply a summary of those reports.