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Bureau Ref. F. & A. Lands.
Off Asst Supt Sub: Dist:
Manchester Feby 15th, 1866

Lt H. S. Merrell.
Supt. 3d. Dist. Va.

I have the honor to forward the following report concerning the Freedmen in this District.

Of their number, I cannot speak very definitely, they are variously estimated, to be from one thousand, to one thousand, five hundred, of whom the greater portion are Females. Their condition considering the season of the year and the general scarcity of work of all kinds I consider to be very good.

The Town of Manchester contains one colored church, it is a plain substantial brick building under the Pastoral charge of the Rev: Richard Wells, Colored and has Seven hundred and fifty members. The basement of the church is used as a school room for the Colored children. under the charge of Miss R. E. R. Thompson, Colored from Conn: The average

Transcription Notes:
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