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Richmond untill after the crops were planted, and some, untill after they were gathered in the fall, and then turned away without pay, and in some cases (the Freedmen say) with threats that if they return to the plantation they will be shot.  Several times I have asked [[strikethrough]] a [[/strikethrough]]freedmen to take a summons to their former employer to appear at court (I haveing no other means of sending) and they have hesitated or objected giving as a reason that they had been threatened and feared violence, and my observations warrent me in expressing fears that in some cases these threats would be executed were it not for the military.

There are however exceptions to the above rule, for I find many who are disposed to deal kindly by, and are willing to give the Freedmen their just dues.

Very Respectfully
Your Obd. Servt.
Hector Sears
2nd Lieut Vet. Res. Corps.
Asst. Supt. Freedmen & 
Act. Provost Marshal for Sub district of Stafford, Va

Transcription Notes:
until, having and warrant all misspelled in original, maintained. ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-02-20 13:04:54