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Bureau R.F. & A.L.
Off. A. Supt Prince Wm Co. Va
Brentsville February 28/66

Maj. James Johnson
Supt. 10th Va. Dist.

I have the honor to report, in compliance with Circular No. 6. from your Office dated Janry 31 66 requiring report of condition of Freedmen's affairs &c, that there is a good understanding between whites and blacks generally, but the feeling of the blacks is that of distrust of the whites, and that of the whites is- "You are my niggers by rights. You ought to be my slaves, and then you would be happy; but see what a condition you are in now. You have no master to look after you"- &c. &c. "But if these d--d yankees ever leave us we will see what will then be" The blacks look to us to protect them from outrage, and are industrious contented and self-supporting. The whites fear us and hurrah for the "Presidents Policy" which they say will restore them as they were and "leave them to manage the nigger"