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and on account of old age are unable to do anything towards their own support. 

There are several women in this county with large families of small children dependent on them for support who frequently get into very needy circumstances, but they are generally managing to support themselves without any support from the government. Occasionally I find it necessary to issue a few rations to such persons to relive a temporary necessity.

The Blacks all appear to be quiet and orderly and I am happy to be able to say that and seldom hear of any difficulties between the two races, there has been only one case during the month just past come to my knowledge where a black person was assaulted by a white person, and in that case the white man was brought before the Freedmens Court at this place and promptly punished.

I have the honor to be Major
Very Respectfully
Your Most Obedt Servt
W.G. Roberts
1st Lieut V.R.C. Asst. Supt. R.F. & A.L.
King George County Virginia