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Office Ass't Sup't B.R.F. & A.L.,
Buckingham C.H. Va., Feb'y 28th 1866.

Capt. Stuart Barnes,
Ass't Q.M., Sup't 2d District,

In compliance with General Orders, No 4. Current Series from your Office, I have the honor to report that in this County there are about 30 old and infirm Freedmen who are furnished with rations. At present I am arranging to have the greater part of them carried to Farmville Va. they being fit subjects for the Hospital.

The feeling generally between the Whites and Freedmen is encouraging, with but a few exceptions the whites are doing all they can for the good of the freedmen. Nearly all are now employed. the majority are working for part of the Crop. receiving from 1/4 to 1/2 of the Crop. where they receive 1/4 they are provided with provision, house rent & firewood free. in getting 1/2 they have houses

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-02-21 16:50:35