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Lunenburg C.H. Va., Feb'y 28th 1866.

Captain James H. Bates, A.A.A.G.
Hd. Qr's Ass't Com'r, State of Va.
Richmond, Va.,


I have the honor to report, in obedience to instructions contained in Circular, No. 6, Hd Qr's Ass't Com'r Va., C.S., The aspect of Freedmen's affairs in this County, in many respects, is quite encouraging.  The Freedmen seem to have gone to work with the resolve to better their condition as much as possible.

I do not think there is at the present time a vagrant Freedman in this Co. and not a single ration is required for the destitute.  Most are working for a share of the crop, and they seem to prefer doing this, to working for wages.  Many of them who are working for a share in the crop, are finding themselves, and buying the provisions of their employers, and I would respectfully suggest, the issue of an order, limiting the amount that employers be allowed to furnish their employees - as many unprincipled men will sell them such amounts that, they will commence next year more