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since I received your note to see what it could be had for. I am quite sure it has not been rented and the said rent is only a "artful dodge" to get me out. But I shall certainly not go out without your orders.
We have commenced the school and I think there is going to be quite an opposition to us. Some of the better informed cold people have come to me and said the people don't want to give us our rights, and that is why they have rented the house & I believe that is true.
I was well aware that there was a good deal of rejoicing over the defeat of the Bureau Bill I thought the people had quieted down but I think they are showing their real character I had some trouble with a young man here (one of the nabobs) about searching the Freedmens Houses & taking some property therefrom that he suspitionned was stolen (without any reason for such suspition) and said he was going to keep it until it was proven where the Freedmen got it. I asked if he had any warrent to search the house he said no I asked him if he did not know he had no right to search any house without a warrent, he said he did not. I then asked him how long he had lived in this county. he said always, but that he intended to go to Mexico next year, I then talked to him

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-02-22 15:25:22 "nabobs" ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-02-23 08:06:45