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Hd Qrs. Asst Supt 8th Dist Va.
Salem. Roanoke Co. Va. March 31st 1866

Col. O. Brown
Asst Com. Bureau of Freedmen &c.
State of Va


In compliance with orders requiring me to report the condition of Bureau affairs in my Sub District I have the honor to state that everything seems to be progressing in a satisfactory manner.

I have not been able to give my sub district proper attention from the fact that I have not had a horse and consequently have not been able to visit the different portions of it. (My Sub district embraces six counties). I was instructed to take up such Government horses as were necessary for the transaction of Bureau business but not knowing in whose hands horses were (I called on the people to report them but my order was not complied with) and having no men to send out in search of them, I have been forced to do the best I could without one. So far as I can learn there seems to be a good state of feeling existing between the whites and freedmen

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-02-22 12:05:27