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Civil Courts.

Pursuant to recent orders all criminal jurisdiction of the Bureau Court is removed and the civil authorities are empowered with the authority. This County has no jail or public buildings whatever, and their entire government exists only in form. the inhabitants are most "independently poor". and are unable they say to build, and many of the most influential white citizens of the County say that they fear the result, and, they also informed me, not long since, that they would, no doubt, make petition that this office be empowered to act as heretofore in cases heretofore mentioned. This report has assumed greater dimensions that was my intention. but I scarcely know how to condense it. I hope the freeness of its statements will be pardoned but knowing your desire to have the exact position of affairs laid before you, I have written without let or hinderance, believing that the ultimate good of the "Freedmen" would be advanced