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employed a portion of the year, there will as a natural consequence be great destitution among them during the coming winter.

There is not sufficient money to warrant hiring hands for cash, but all the labor of the county would be employed on liberal terms in part of the crop could they be induced to accept the terms range from one fourth to one half the crop the employer furnishing teams and farming implements and in the first case rations.

Although I have explained to them the superior inducements offered to them in these terms, very few of them appreciate them, and prefer transient employment to being bound by any contract for the year

All the Freedmen are employed in some occupation. I have no calls for assistance from them nor have any been sent to the Alms House 

There has been but one instance of flagrant abuse of a Freedman by a white citizen which is the case of Frank Abrams whipped by John C. Timberlake for supposed theft; but in this case Abrams informs me that he has settled the 

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-02-24 16:06:06 As per instruction, please fully carry over the first word from the prior page (which is actually page 47, not 48), which is "employed" ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-02-25 16:56:16